. Published May 17, 2022
Font Pairing: Music Industry
The Music Industry in an amazing field to showcase super font oriented design work. As expressive at it can be, a mix of well choosen (and well paired) fonts put together can be eye catching while still conveying a key message.
Back during my studies, I had a graphic design teacher who told us this amazing thing: "everytime you design a poster for a band or a music event, make it so people will want to have them on their own wall back home". That's not a small feat to design such a thing and yet again fonts have a great part in achieving that goal.
We designed some posters and other music related items for you to see some examples of how our fonts can be paired together when working in the Music Industry. Each of these were carefully designed by Anouck Elbaz with the goal of making you wish to have them back home on your walls!
Apoc & Osmose
1. Fonts being used : Apoc Revelations Hairline, Apoc Ultra Bold Italic, Apoc Light Italic, Osmose Bold

Joly & Surt
2. Fonts being used: Joly Headline Regular Italic, Surt Expanded Black

Emeritus & Apoc
3. Fonts being used: Apoc Normal Hairline Italic, Apoc Normal Regular, Apoc Normal Bold, Apoc Normal Ultra Bold, Emeritus

ZOO & Oroban
4. Fonts being used: Zoo Extended, Oroban Masuria Medium Italic, Oroban Masuria Medium

ZOO & Mack
5. Fonts being used: Zoo Extended, Mack Black

Arges, Rules & Emeritus
6. Fonts being used: Arges Normal Extra Heavy, Arges Normal Medium Oblique, Emeritus, Rules Medium