
. Published May 11, 2022

The Box! New Foundry Release


The box is a new space where fonts, sometimes display, sometimes experimental, come to life. Through this new projet we try to reveal to the world the awesome work and sketches some designers tend to keep in their cupboards and aim to provide the most suitable and high quality font with those. We’ve been working on this project for the past year and are proud to announce that we’ll be able to provide you with new releases on a (kind of) monthly basis.

Of course, we’re always seeking for new projects new ideas, new people to meet!

So if you want to get in touch, join the adventure discuss about a new project send us over and e-mail or a dm on Instagram we’ll be more than happy to make this new platform grow with you.

For the past year we’ve worked with amazing designers, and we can’t wait to show you what they’ve been up to (even though we’ve already shown a bit
 too impatient
 ) from Antonio D'Elisiis’ darkest ever slab face, Duc Cao’s most insane outline expressive letterforms, Franziska Weitergruber’s killing the rhythmic in any of your words, RaphaĂ«l Lefeuvre wondering how everything could fit in on and only box, Helene Krieger’s exploration of historical handwritten letters for a contemporary use, Valerio Monopoli breaking the grounds between style and ductus, Nicolas Dupuis seeking for the darkest letter he can paint, draw, cut out.

Last but not least John David Maza will get the ball rolling with his type construction built through the awareness of Philippines’ beautiful, yet threatened, giant clam: Taklobo!

Showcase of Taklobo, font design by John David Maza
Showcase of Taklobo, font design by John David Maza

And that’s only the tip of the iceberg, so many more amazing projects are in the making but we can’t say too much for now